Baby Taurus

It’s Taurus Season!! From April 20-May 20 Taurus is the ruling zodiac. As the leaders of the earth elements, they focus their energy on the great outdoors, finding relaxation in an open field. Ruled by the planet Venus; love, finances and natural beauty play a vital role in their lives. They are loyal, patient, and extremely trustworthy. Symbolic of the bull, they have a steadfast demeaner that keeps these goal oriented earth lovers on track for success. If you are looking for some “no bull names” then you’ve come to the right place. Here are 12 names symbolic of your zodiac: The Taurus.


Origin: Hebrew - Meaning: Trustworthy, Reliable

A masculine name form the Old Testament, Ami was the name of one of King Solomon’s servants.


Origin: Old English - Meaning: Rich gentlewoman

Ruled by the planet Venus, this beautiful, wealthy name is music to the ears. Edlyn fits in exceptionally with sisters Adalyn, Elodie, and Evelyn.


Origin: German - Meaning: Bold Voyager

Right out of the cherished classic children’s literature, the most famous bull of them all - Ferdinand. Written in 1936 by Munro Leaf, this sweet bull would rather smell the flowers than fight.


Origin: Greek - Meaning: Earth Mother

Taurus is the leader of the earth signs. What better way to honor your earth baby than a name that literally means earth. In Greek mythology Gaia was the earth mother to all life.


Origin: Spanish - Meaning: Enduring, Firm, Steadfast

This Spanish variation of Ethan is quite popular. A steadfast name with enduring strength, I think it captures the bull’s essence perfectly.


Origin: Greek, Hawaiian - Meaning: Yellow, Brave Warrior

Ochre is an earthy clay pigmented shade of yellow and the official birth color of both April and May. Symbolic of the warm sun after a dark winter season. This color name also means brave warrior which describes a Taurus’ personality to a tee.


Origin: Latin - Meaning: Floral Name, In remembrance

Did you know the Poppy flower is the official floral symbol of the Taurus? Similar to the flower, Taurus’ surround themselves with love, natural beauty and positivity.


Origin: Arabic, Finnish, Sanskrit - Meaning: Wise Protector, Father of Multitudes, Archer, Pleasing

The name Rami gained spotlight recognition after actor Rami Malek made his appearance in the 2018 musical film Bohemian Rhapsody as he played Freddie Mercury - the lead singer of Queen. Born under this zodiac sign himself, I think his name suits him flawlessly.


Origin: Spanish - Meaning: Savior

This zodiac sign thrives on artistic inspiration and expression, just like fellow Taurus Salvador Dali. Born May 11, 1904 Salvador Dali was a famous surrealism painter whose notable works can be found at the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida.


Origin: Finnish - Meaning: Serene, Tranquil

Taurus’ enjoy a little rest and relaxation to recharge their spirits. The calm serene breeze of a gentle meadow is their happy place.


Origin: Latin - Meaning: Taurus Bull

In need of a more literal connection, try Taurean! This name is directly linked to the word Taurus.


Origin: English - Meaning: Graceful Tree

Taurus shadows the end of April leading into the month of May, coordinating the dates perfectly with the Celtic tree sign Willow. Willow trees are known for their graceful slender branches that symbolize emotional balance, healing, and protection. With their liberated spirits they listen to the earths elements allowing them to withstand anything, just like a Taurus.


May The 4th Be With You


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