Birth Stories: Amelia & Lincoln

Welcome to the world Amelia Jane & Lincoln Briggs.

A lovely mama I know welcomed two beautiful babies late last month and graciously shared the story behind their names!

• Amelia Jane •

Amelia was one girls name the couple truly fell in love with. Mama has a Great Aunt Jane on both her parents sides of her family so Jane honored both of these wonderful women in her life. A great addition with Amelia with some sweet family value.

Amelia Jane

Origin - Latin • Meaning - Industrious, Striving Worker

Origin - English • Meaning - God is Gracious

• Lincoln Briggs •

Lincoln’s dad shared his own birthday with former President Abe Lincoln. It has been joked in the family that he should have been named Lincoln due to the shared dates. So as a sweet family gesture he passed it down to his own son! Dad is also big on family names! To match the family ties with Amelia’s middle, they did the same for Lincoln. Briggs is dads middle name as well as a family surname that’s been passed down.

Lincoln Briggs

Origin - English • Meaning - Lake Colony

Origin - English • Meaning - Bridge

Congratulations Lindsey on the birth of your beautiful twins! I’m so happy for you!

If you’d like to share the story behind your babies name, message us and we’ll add it to our storybook.

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