Completely Classic

Did you know there are only thirteen names that have continuously remained in the top 100?

Last week the Social Security Administration released their data for 2021 and these thirteen names are still going strong. These names have never departed from the top 100, remaining their every single year since 1900.

What is more fascinating is that their has only ever been one consistent girl name; Elizabeth.

These century defining classics are ultimately inspirational for parents who have a purely radiational style. I mean, they’re classic or a reason.


Today Andrew is ranked at #57, an almost identical placement to where he stood a century ago. While Andrew has found a home in the middle, he was once a member of the elite top ten not too long ago. From 1996-2007 Andrew ranked in the top ten being most popular in 2003 with 22,158 births. As of 2021, 5,570 boys were given the name Andrew. While a big decrease in quantity, a classic he remains!


Right in the center is where you’ll find Sir Charles finding his placement at #50. In 2021, 5,952 boys were names Charles. A very minor decrease from the previous year. I suspected this name would get a boost this year due to the late royal but alas he declined a bit instead. As most of these names found a home in our top ten in one year or another, Charles is no exception. Charles ranked in our top ten from 1990-1954. An impressive accomplishment.


Coming in at #16 we have Daniel. In 2021, 9,066 boys were given this name. Daniel has fluctuated exponentially between the top ten and top 60, ranking the lowest in 1916 and the highest in 2008.


One of the most popular religious names, David still remains on top. Sixty years ago David was ranked at #1 and today he comes in at #30.


Elizabeth is not only the Queen of England but the queen of the name charts as well. Being the only female name to remain in the top 100 is already shocking but to be the only female name to never leave the top 30 is hard to believe. I was left speechless. The lowest Elizabeth has ever been ranked was at #26 in 1948; the highest #6 in the year 1905. As of 2021 Elizabeth sits at #14 with 7,190 girls given the name. Elizabeth is undoubtedly a popular first name, and don’t get me started on middle name popularity. It’s no wonder Elizabeth reigns supreme.


James rounds out our top 5 for 2021, matching his popularity from the late 70’s. Yet, James was once king of the charts entirely. James was the number one name for twelve years (1940-1952). James could be considered more popular than Elizabeth as he’s never departed from the top 20. His junior counterpart Jameson has also found a home in our top 100 this year. The popularity of James has taken over by storm he has even found his way on birth certificates of darling daughters everywhere. While many seem to believe this trend is new, the numbers prove otherwise. James ranked in the top 1,000 for girls until 1989. Will James return to the girls side? I wouldn’t be surprised if so, but I think it’ll become more favorable as a middle name than a first.


When we look back on all of the name data over the last 121 years John comes out as the most popular boys name in terms of how many have been given the name itself. John was a top 10 favorite for 86 years. Plus just like Elizabeth a top 30 favorite, he remains. Today, John ranks at #27 with 8,130 boys being given the name. Let’s not forget to mention John was once a feminine favorite but I don’t see John being a gender bender like James anymore.


Despite his increasing meaning, Joseph has been minorly decreasing over the last few years. In 2021, Joseph dropped down two spots to #28 compared to last year. Could he be foreshadowed by his female variant Josephine. Sort of. While both names have remained in the top 100 within the past four years; Josephine has increased where as Joseph has decreased. While we don’t see Joseph going anywhere, we do see Josephine only going up from here.


Another name on the decline is Michael. It’s hard to believe a name that feels escapable is decreasing in popularity. Yet, it’s true Michael is currently at #17, the lowest he’s been since 1941. When looking at the numbers, Michael is still a classic name. Michael held on to the number one spot from 1954-1998 (with the exception of the year 1960). Today, 9,041 boys were named Michael, confirming this name will still remain heard on playgrounds worldwide.


Our lowest ranked name on the list is Robert. Robert currently ranks at #79 with 4,402 births. While it’s a big difference when you recall he was once the number one name in 1953, don’t count him out just yet. Robert is and has always been a classic amongst the rest.


Can you believe Samuel is so popular. In 2018, Samuel ranked the highest he ever has at #21 and today he’s not far from that. For the year 2021, Samuel currently ranks at #23 with 8,501 births finding himself a sweet spot on our charts. Some interesting things to note is that Samuel is the only name on this list that wasn’t a gender crossover. Samuel has been strictly used as a boys name. All of the other names on this list has been used for both boys and girls, finding a spot on within the top 1,000 for both genders throughout history. Samuel is also the only name on this list that has never been in the top ten.


A name instantly recognizable it’s a non brainer why it’s made this list. Thomas is as traditional as they come. Thomas can be found on the carts at #46 with 6,642 births. Thomas was the most popular in 1955 with 45,853 births.


One of only two names in this list to still remain in the top ten! In fact, William has called the top ten his home for the last fifteen years and has remained in the top twenty indefinitely. In 2021, 12,088 boys were names William. Could the similar Willow find a placement in our top ten one day? In Australia she has. Willow came in at #9 in Australia where as William came in at #3.

Would you give your child one of these classic names?


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