I’m Feeling 2022

Numerology is an ancient belief that revolves around the power of numbers. In the study of numerology it has been discovered a numerical value of a person’s name can play a significant role in ones destiny, personality and future, similar to astrology.

Each letter of the alphabet is tied to a numerical value of 1 - 9. When you match all the letters of your full name with each number you add them all together giving you a grand total.

You then add the numbers of your total together giving you a single digit numerical value. This value is often connected with ones destiny. You can also calculate your life path number through your birthdate, your personality number through adding the consonants in your name and your soul urge number through adding up the vowels in your name. Today we’re going to focus on ones destiny number.

Each letter is assigned a number as follows…

1 = A, J, S

2 = B, K, T

3 = C, L, U

4 = D, M, V

5 = E, N, W

6 = F, O, X

7 = G, P, Y

8 = H, Q, Z

9 = I, R

For example my personal name adds as follows…

M=4 A=1 R=9 G=7 A=1 R=9 E=5 T= 2

All the numbers added together equal out to be 38. Adding my total together 3+8=11 making my destiny number 11, a master number. (Remember it is suppose to be your full legal name, not just your first name)

There is two exceptions to the “grand total” rule. If the combined letters equal out to be an 11 or 22, they are not added. These two numbers are known as ‘Master numbers”

Master number 22 is considered to be the most powerful. Those with the master number 22 are found to be innovators and creative thinkers making a positive impact on the world.

We had a fun idea we had to share. As we were planning our posts for 2022, we realized the year includes a master number in it. A magical discovery! So to celebrate this master number we complied 22 names that add up to the master number 22 for a baby born in the year 2022!


Can You Repeat That?


Baby New Year