Name of the day: Fraser

Quirky and outdoorsy Fraser beams with Scottish pride. This berry cute name is equally recognizable and rare. No matter how you spell it, Fraser is one name you’ll want to bite your teeth into.

Scottish Originated

The full origin of Fraser is unclear. While most believe it is of Scottish origin, Fraser’s history goes deeper than Scottland.

Dating back to the 12th century the earliest forms of the surname include de Frisselle, de Fresel and de Freseliere, which suggests it is of Norman origin. However, it has never appeared in Normandy itself.

Another theory suggests Fraser derives from the French word fraisiers “strawberry plants” due to similar pronunciations, hence it’s fruity meaning. Yet there are no place names in France in which corresponds in modern day.

The name Fraser is documented as to be of Scottish origin thanks to it’s connection to two individual Scottish Highlands Clans. The Clans Fraser and Fraser of Lovat.

Simon Says

Throughout history many Mr. Fraser’s coincidentally had the first name Simon.

  • Sir Simon Fraser fought in the Wars of Scottish Independence

  • Simon Fraser was the Chief of Clan Fraser

  • Simon Fraser of Lovat and British general during the American Revolutionary War

  • Simon Fraser was a Canadian Explorer

  • Symon Fraser gave the church of Keith to the Abbey of Kelso in 1160

By The Numbers

As it is of Scottish origin, it’s only fitting that Fraser would be the most popular in Scotland. As of 2021 the name ranks at #59 in Scotland and has remained in the top 100 since 1950, peaking in 1997. The variant spelling Frazer has also been in the spotlight from 1977-1999 holding steady in the top 200. Yet another spelling, Frasier hasn’t picked up favoritism as much as it’s counterparts.

It also ranks at #254 in England as of 2021. In the United States, Fraser has never ranked in the top 1,000 for any spelling variation making it a rare choice that will nobly honor ones Scottish heritage.

Found In Nature

When researching the name, the most common meaning connected to Fraser is “strawberry” but another botanical relation also appears. Some sources say Fraser also means “man of the forest” or “guardian of the forest” relating to the Fraser fir tree. Making the name well suited for the rugged outdoorsy type.

Diving deeper into it’s nature roots, there is Fraser Island alongside the coast of Queensland, Australia and Fraser river in British Columbia, Canada. Outdoorsy all around, looks like Fraser could be suitable for a water sign.

Generational Lyricist

Depending on which generation you’re from Fraser’s meaning of “strawberry” may bring to mind a melody. For Gen X, The Beatles hit “Strawberry Field’s Forever” may come to mind. For Millennials, it may be “Strawberry Wine” by Deana Carter. For the Gen Z crowd, it may be Harry Styles hit “Watermelon Sugar” as the first line goes “Tastes like strawberries”. Which song did you sing first?

In Pop Culture

Beyond it’s lyrical berry references there is one musician that bears the name Fraser. One of the members of the operatic pop vocal group The Tenors is named Fraser Walters.

Another Fraser taking center stage is magician Penn Fraser Jillette from the duo Penn and Teller.

In sports news there is Fraser Forster, an English professional goalkeeper for Premier League Club Southampton and the English National Team.

Let’s not forget novel adaptation series Outlander featuring fictional character Jamie Fraser a Scottish soldier and landowner.


In America, folks may recognize the spelling of Frasier compared to Fraser due to a popular American television series Cheers (1982-1993). Played by actor Kelsey Grammer, Dr. Frasier Crane, who stated out on season 3, was a psychiatrist and regular bar attendee.

After the success of Cheers, the show created a spinoff making Frasier the star. The show, now titled Frasier focuses of the characters relocation to his hometown of Seattle working a gig as a radio show host, while navigating his relationship and fatherhood. The sequel show has equal success running for 11 seasons (1993-2004).

Far from a fruity deposition, overall Fraser, Frazer and Frasier are all equally charming, quirky and subtlety bohemian. However you choose to spell it, this is one name you’ll want to cherish forever.


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