We have a new logo!

We have a new logo! We wanted to embrace the storytellers aspect of our account because our message will always be “every name tells a story”.

A name isn’t just a name. It never will be. It goes much deeper than that. Your name holds all of your likes, your loves; all of your hopes, dreams and aspirations. All of your passions and your creativity and the life you have lived. A name goes far beyond a birth certificate or a name tag.

Your name is an introduction into who you are. Your name is what keeps your story alive, it’s what keeps your love alive long after your gone. Your name will forever go so much deeper than the surface level and should be felt with love when said aloud. A love louder than fireworks sparkling a New Years midnight sky.

While we kept our colors of pink and blue as well as our beloved daisies, we also added some more floral centerpieces that have a deeper rooted meaning behind them.

Within Norse mythology, the daisy represents love and beauty; innocence and the fertility journey.  Leading to them to also symbolize motherhood, childbirth and new beginnings.

I also chose the daisy as it has interpersonal significance to my own story. Not only is Daisy one of my favorite girls names, it also can be connected to my own name through its French spelling. Kind of an intriguing way to introduce myself within the logo itself (although I have no French ancestry that I am aware of).

Daisies are also the birth flower of April, the month of a lot of love and loss within my family. Which is why this floral name is so important to me. It is why names as a whole have become important to me. Names, the stories behind them and the people who wearing them are what has brought me so much hope and healing throughout the years that I will never be able to articulate to its fullest gratitude.

Chrysanthemum’s also have a variety of symbolism behind them depending on one’s heritage. In Australia, chrysanthemums are known as the official flower of Mother’s Day due to their nickname “Mums”. Here in the United States, chrysanthemums are meant to represent joy and optimism; longevity and wellness. Chrysanthemums are also known as the floral protector whom wards off evil spirits according to Greek superstition. On the opposite end, within European cultures chrysanthemums represent death rather than life and are gifted as a peace offering during a memorial. A reminder that loosing a child doesn’t make you any less of a mum!

I wanted to create a logo that will represent everyone story (Named or not). Born earthside or skyside, fertility or infertility, love or loss, name kept or name regifted.

Whether your story included a miscarriage, ivf, nicu, adoption, abortion, or a personal name change. Your story is a story worth reading, a story worth celebrating, a story worth grieving, a story worth acknowledging, a story worth honoring. A storybook for all in this circle of life.


It’s A Twin Thing