Palindrome Names

Today is a very special date! Do you know why? 12/22/21 is the final palindrome date of 2021. Meaning the date can be read the same forwards and backwards.

This year we had 11 palindrome dates in both January and December for a grand total of 22. However, January had 10 consecutive palindrome dates and December had 9 consecutive palindrome dates totaling 21 palindromes in 2021, in the 21st century. A rare occurrence to say the least.

These dates are often counted differently depending on the focus of millenniums, centuries and the order in which the date is read.

The History of Palindrome Dates

These magical dates tend to occur in the first few centuries of each millennium. The last palindrome date to occur in the second millennium (1001-2000) was on August 31, 1380. The first date to occur in the current millennium was on October 2, 2001 and the final one will occur on September 22, 2290.

In the 21st century, there will be a total of 12 palindrome dates. The first date was on October 2, 2001 and the last onw will fall on September 2, 2090 in the mm—dd—yyyyy format. Looking at the dd-mm-yyyy format, there will be 29 palindrome dates in the 21st century. The first one was on 10 February 2021. The final date will take place on 29 February 2092 on leap day - making it an extra special phenomenon. The name nerd in me really hopes someone names their baby Alula on 19 Feburary 2092 as this palindrome name means ‘First Leap”.

Palindrome Names Sweeping The Nation

Palindromes don’t just occur in number sequences but also throughout words, phrases and names. Palindrome names are such a special phenomenon. They are perfectly symmetrical and highly favored amongst parents. These names are pronounced and spelt the same way forwards and backwards. A fascinating discovery when your child learns how to write their name.

For many years, Hannah was the most sought after palindrome name but today we have a different girls name taking the lead. Ava is one particular favorite sitting in the top ten in this years SSA list; currently holding a spot at #3. In fact, Ava has been in the top ten since 2005.

Other symmetrical names trending on today’s charts include Ada (#184) Anna (#68) Asa (#507) Elle (#371) Eve (#471) Hannah (#39) and Otto (#386)

Aidia, Alula, Aviva, Aziza, Bob, Emme, Izzi, Maram, Natan, Neven, Pip, Reinier and Viv are also names to consider if you’d like an option that’s not chart-topping but still familiar.

There is no rarer and more special occurrence then having a baby born on one of these perfectly aligned dates and these 21 names are spectacular options to commemorate their memorable birthdays.

Do you have a palindrome name? Let us know in the comments.


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