Names Inspired by : The Beatles

Did you know The Beatles had an excellent taste in names? I sure did! There’s no better time to celebrate the names than on Global Beatle Day.

Global Beatles Day is celebrated annually on June 25th to commemorate the date The Beatles participated in the BBC program Our World in 1967 preforming All You Need Is Love. The global holiday was created in 2009 by fan Faith Cohen.

The English rock band, The Beatles debuted in 1960 consisting of four Liverpool natives; Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. Over the span of seven years the band released 13 albums (not counting U.S. releases) gaining worldwide success. A countless number of their hit songs highlight gorgeous and timeless names throughout their lyrics and even in many track listings including Lucy in the Sky with Diamond, Maggie Mae and Hey Jude.

One of their earliest songs was named Anna off of their first album Please Please Me in 1963 originally recorded by Arthur Alexander the year prior. Another Beatles inspired name to consider is Honey. A taste of honey was the 12th track off the album. The song was originally written by Bobby Scott and Ric Marlow as an instrumental piece for the 1960 Broadway version of the British play “A Taste of Honey” (1958) by Shelagh Delaney. It was also used in the film adaptation three years later. Sadie Robinson Huff just welcomed her baby girl in May named Honey James Huff. Sadie said her daughters name is inspired by Proverbs 16:24 “Gracious words are like honey, sweetness to the soul and health to the body”.

In 1965 came the release of their fifth album Help! which included their song Dizzy Miss Lizzy. Lizzy is a popular nickname for Elizabeth. Other form of Elizabeth making headlines this year is Lilibet. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle welcomed daughter Lilibet Diana earlier this month. Only 13 girls were named Lilibet in 2020.

Lets not forget Michelle, ma belle. I agree with “these are words that go together well”. Michelle, often used as the feminine form of Michael, made her mark in the top 10 for 15 years, reaching it’s peak in 1972. There’s no denying The Beatles had an influence on Michelle’s popularity. The name rose from 18 to number four in 1966 immediately following the release of their song.

Also in 1966 their album Revolver’s second track introduced us to Eleanor Rigby and Father McKenzie. The single was released on August 5 credited to Lennon-McCartney. Eleanor is a classic that holds high on the charts today. In fact, Eleanor is more popular now than she’s ever been.

If you’re looking for a subtle nod to the British icons look no further than Fraser. The name Fraser was given to 210 boys last year in the United Kingdom. Now you’re probably wondering how this ties into The Beatles. Well, Fraser is inspired by their track Strawberry Fields Forever with the meaning behind the name Fraser is strawberry.

Another incredible name from their Magical Mystery Tour is Penny. Penny shines bright in top 1,000 here in the U.S. at 727. Penelope, Persephone, Aspen, Spencer and even Millicent all make Penny the perfect nickname choice.

The White Album in 1968 gave us the most name inspiration imaginable. Dear Prudence, Martha My Dear, Rocky Racoon, Julia and Sexy Sadie are five tracks off the album, introducing us to some fabulous people.

Abbey Road is one of the most distinctively recognizable album covers ever created. Maxwell’s Silver Hammer introduces protagonist Maxwell Edison. How amazing is the name Edison?! Edison currently hits that sweet spot on the list at 599. An modern way to honor an Edward in your life. The handwritten lyrics was sold to a Texas based bookstore owner at an auction for $192,000 in 2006.

In the title track from their final album in 1970’s Let It Be, Paul McCartney begins the song, “When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom let it be”. McCartney recalled his late mother inspired him to write the song after she appeared in one of this dreams giving him reassurance back in the 60’s. Let It Be became one of The Beatles most popular songs to date.

These are only a few of the hundreds of names The Beatles has celebrated with us through their music. What Beatles inspired name would you choose for your child?


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