Everest Dean

Meet Everest Dean!

Everest, you will move mountains!

This handsome fellow was born only six weeks ago on January 11th, and he is already making great strides in life. His parents chose a name that evokes both balance and sweet sentiment for their beloved little rainbow.

Everest’s mom Stephanie graciously shared her story of lows and highs with me and I was so moved. She shared that months before Everest was born she had a miscarriage. So his name honors that journey in their lives.

Everest is defined in the dictionary as, “Highest Point: Climax, Apex”. To come out of one of the lowest points in their life with their miscarriage to finding out she was pregnant again, and that his heartbeat was strong was their highest point.

But without that low point, Everest wouldn’t be here. So to honor that, they chose Dean as his middle name as it meanings “from the valley”.

Everest Dean - Our Highest Point From The Valley

Everest Dean

Origin - English, Norman Surname * Meaning - Place Name, Person From Everux, France, Highest Point

Origin - English, Anglo-Saxon, Greek, Hebrew * Meaning - From The Valley, Church Official, Law, Justice

Congratulations to Everest’s mom, dad and big sister on your newest addition to your family. It has been so beautiful to watch your family grow. I am so happy for you all!


August Allen


Serafina Vesper