Madelyn Zeppelin Harriet

Meet Madelyn!

When Hannah was expecting her first child she knew for certain she wanted her baby to have a strong, uniwue, free-spirited name with two middle names having a special meaning to her.

Her first name is based on Madeline Island in Lake Superior in Wisconsin, USA. One of her all time favoriet places. However, she didn’t want it to be pronounced “mada-linn” (short sounding I) so she changed the spelling from Madeline to Madelyn.

Being a long-time, Led Zeppelin fan, she knew she wanted to incorporate a name from the band and it certainly couldn’t be anything but Zeppelin.

Her second middle name, Harriet, was the name of her paternal grandmothers best friend. Harriet was a woman like no other whom she admired greatly. She was a strong, smart, amazing woman with just the perfect amount of crazy. Harriet passed away the year prior to her daughters birth, so she wanted Harriet’s name to be a part of her story as well.

Madelyn Zeppelin Harriet

Origin - French * Meaning - High Tower

Origin - German * Meaning - Airship

Origin - German * Meaning - Home Ruler


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