Nathaniel Timothy

Meet Nathaniel Timothy

Nathaniel’s first name was originally supposed to be named Timothy after his father but his birth story had his parents second guessing his name.

They chose Nathaniel for its traditional meaning, “a gift from God”. His mom became very sick leading up to his birth and had to be hospitalized due to her pregnancy. While in the hospital, complications happened. The mucus membrane dislodged itself and got caught in his throat somehow and because of this his mom ended up needing a c-section. Nathaniel went without oxygen for ten minutes and in reality should not have lived through the endeavor. However, despite the odds, he is lucky enough to be here today, and because of this incident his parents named him Nathaniel Timothy.

Origin - Hebrew • Meaning - A gift from God, God has given

Origin - Greek • Meaning - Honored by God

Thank you so much for sharing your story with us!


Amilio Storm


Ingrid Eve