Victoria De La Lune

Meet Victoria De La Lune

When naming their baby girl, mom Shannon listened to her heart and chose a name she has always loved, Victoria.

While Victoria’s middle name, chosen by her father Matthew, come with a very grand and thoughtful backstory.

Around Christmas time they were walking around one of the local craft stores when suddenly Clair De Lune by Debussy popped into his head and he heard an exquisite flow of words forming. But it had to be sensible too, so the variation De La Lune (of the moon) had a better ring to it than De Lune (moonlight). Thus, Victoria De La Lune tumbled out of his mouth and into Shannon’s ears and she confirmed the beauty of it.

Victory of the moon. To seize the night.

It was also a conscious effort to pay tribute to his sister in some form with the name. It felt similar Kristina Lynn Dior and settled with that. But one thing was missing. He wanted the name to recognize Shannon’s family as well. Quite a tall order for one name to have so many meanings so they rested on their laurels.

As fate would have it though, one day while researching their family names, Matthew discovered Shannon’s maiden name, Lundy, turned out to have both Irish and Scottish origins. Her family being more on the Irish side. Lundy originally came from the Anglo-Norman, French, De La Lounde.

A perfect fit for the perfect name for their perfect little lady!

•Victoria De La Lune•

Origin - Latin • Meaning - Victory
Origin - French • Meaning - Of The Moon

Thank you so much Shannon and Matthew for sharing such Victoria’s sentimental and memorable name story!


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Elwood William