The Greek Epiphany

On January 6th, twelve days following Christmas, the traditional Epiphany takes place as a celebration of the three wise men and Jesus’ baptism within the Catholic and Orthodox Christian communities. This holiday originated in the Greek-speaking eastern half of the Roman Empire as a feast to honor Jesus.

In our nearby town of Tarpon Springs, the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Cathedral hosted their yearly Epiphany. The traditional celebration includes young men diving into the local Bayou to retrieve the cross, which is thrown by the Archbishop. Whomever finds the cross is blessed for the year. Sixteen year old Colten Sakadales was this years winner. Colten’s older brother, Hunter was last years winner.

To celebrate this Greek holiday lets look at some beloved Greek names.

Adonis - Adonis was the lover of Aphrodite whose arm was severed by a wild boar. According to Greek Mythology, his blood mixed with Aprhordite’s tears blossomed anemone flowers.

Archimedes - Archimedes was a Greek Astronomer, Engineer, Inventor, Mathematician and Physicist. Archimedes was most known for discovering the laws of levers and pulleys, the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and cylinder, as well as calculating an accurate estimation of the value of pi. The name Archimedes has only been given to 40 boys in the U.S. since 2013. With the adorable nickname Archie, I could see this name getting more love in the near future.

Dionysius - If you love sitting back with a glass of wine on a Friday night then you have Dionysius to thank. Nicknamed ‘God of the vine’, Dionysius was the Greek God of winemaking and grape harvesting.

Eugenia - Eugenia is the female form of Eugene. This name has been bestowed on Saints, Princesses and Duchesses. Eugenia’s are also a flowering myrtle plant that grows berries to make jam.

Galen - The name Galen means “Calm healer”; something we all need in 2021. Healthcare workers may recognize this name from founding father of medicine, Claudius Galenus. Galen is also an adorable anagram for Angel.

Nicholas - Nicholas is one of those timeless names you never get tired of hearing. Nicholas has never departed from the Top 200 and even peaked into the Top 10 from 1993 - 2002. Nicknames, Claus, Cole, Nick and Nico are a fun added bonus to this classic moniker. For additional Greek ties, opt for Nikolaos or Nicodemus.

Tiffany - This name has the deepest connection to the Epiphany. Tiffany is the English form of the Greek name Theophania meaning Epiphany; a manifestation of God.


Down For The Count


Hello January