Journey Clark

Meet Journey!

Joyous baby boy Journey has a lot of sentimental meaning behind his name that will touch your heart as it did mine.

A family connection from the start, Journey shares his name with his paternal great great grandfather.

Journey’s middle name Clark was originally a surname of someone who was near and dear to the family. Dad’s best friend whom he served alongside in the Marine Corps, Lance Cpl. Philip Clark, whom sadly passed away in the line of action wile on their tour in Afghanistan in 2010. Several other fellow Marines have named their own boys Philip in his honor as well. A beautiful tribute to honor one brave soldier.

Thank you to our military and their families for their service and sacrifice!

Journey Clark

Origin - English * Meaning - A trip where the adventure is more important than the destination

Origin - English * Meaning - Scribe, Secretary, Clerk, Scholar


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