Gideon Atlas

Meet Gideon!

When Emily and her partner started dating she convinced him to watch the show Criminal Minds and he quickly became a fan of the character Jason Gideon. From that point on they agreed their firstborn son would be named Gideon.

When they were finally expecting though, she got cold feet and questioned if Gideon was “the one”. Was Gideon really the name because that’s what they agreed on from the beginning? Did they still like it now? There was also a bit of hesitation about the religious connections as they personally weren’t religious.

To combat any doubts they had, they did something very creative and quite genius if I do say so myself. They wrote down their top three choices and taped it somewhere they’d be sure to see it. In front of the toilet.

Seeing and rereading the name over and over solidified their decision that Gideon was the right name for their baby boy. A name with a meaningful reminder of their relationship together and how far they’ve come since then!

As for Gideon’s middle name, Atlas was honestly just a name they liked but the ties to Greek Mythology was an added bonus.

Today, Gideon Atlas holds up their world and we couldn’t envision a world without him in it.

Gideon Atlas

Origin - Hebrew * Meaning - Hewer, Feller, Great Warrior

Origin - Greek * Meaning - To Carry, Bearer of The Heavens


Rowan Lilith


Journey Clark