Mavis Cordelia-Wild

Meet Mavis Cordelia-Wild

When Emma was pregnant with her daughter Mavis her and her partner had a long list of names they liked. They talked about Forester, Maisie, Daisy and Olive, but as a lover of birds and all things vintage, Mavis seemed like the perfect choice! It was the only name they agreed upon when they were expecting their son a few years prior. And when talking to Mavis in her belly they name felt right.

While originally planning on naming her Mavis Octavia because it sounded beautiful and strong, but as her due date approached she couldn’t get the name Cordelia Wilder out of her head. The knew her first name was going to be Mavis but longed for a middle name that felt just as “right” and meaningful.

With Cordelia being (likely) derived from the Welsh Creiddylad meaning “heart” and Wilder meaning “untamed”, the meaning of that combo was perfect. Later opting to shorten Wilder to Wild for a smoother flow and hyphenating in hopes for making paperwork easier. The full name became…

Mavis Cordelia-Wild - Use your voice (like a songbird) and love without limits (an untamed heart)

Origin: French - Meaning: Songbird
Origin: Welsh - Meaning: Heart
Origin: Word Name - Meaning: Untamed

Thank you for allowing me to share Mavis’ name story!


Elwood William


Axel Holland