Scarlett Louise Lee

Meet Scarlett!

Scarlett’s parents had multiple miscarriages prior to Scarlett’s birth, so naturally they had a running list of names ready but right before conceiving her they deleted the list.

When they found out they were expecting this time and it wasn’t going to end in a loss, they discussed names again. They had their boy name picked out - Christopher Owen - but they were stumped for a girls name. Mom knew she wanted something classic. Her top choice was Charlotte but her sister in law named her daughter Charlotte so that was out of the running.

While candle making (a yearly tradition) her mother said, “You know what would be beautiful? Scarlett. It’s a classic and you love the movie Gone With The Wind and if she has red hair like you it would be perfect”.

She mentioned the name to her husband that night and at first he was completely against it because of how close it was to Charlotte.

When they found out they were expecting a girl she turned to her husband and said, “Her name is Scarlett” and he agreed.

Scarlett’s middle name Louise is in honor of her mom’s great grandmother. A powerhouse of a woman. Her second middle name Lee is after her father’s grandmother who unfortunately passed away from cancer.

And while she doesn’t have red hair they couldn’t see her as any other name but Scarlett.

Scarlett Louise Lee

Origin - English * Meaning - Red

Origin - French * Meaning - Renowned Warrior

Origin - English * Meaning - Meadow Clearing


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